Global Methodist logo used as a text divider to include three circles intersecting the cross in the center.

Evelyn Lewiston, Pastor

Pastor Evelyn Lewiston at Grace Global Methodist Church in Ogden, Iowa.

Evelyn is married to her husband Bernie bringing together a blended family with 7 grown children, 18 grandchildren, and 4 great grandchildren! They enjoy watching sports and listening to Southern Gospel music. She particularly enjoys reading historical Christian fiction.

Evelyn has served in many capacities through the years. She served ten years as a Christian Education Director and following God’s call to pastoral ministry began serving churches in 2001. Evelyn served as an Associate Pastor at First United Methodist Church in Fort Dodge for five years followed by nine years at West Bend and Mallard.

Evelyn retired in 2015 and with her husband returned to Ogden, Iowa. For several years she continued to fill the pulpit for pastors taking vacations or, when needed, for sick leave. In August of 2022 Evelyn felt that God called her to a new opportunity.

She was approved to become an elder in the Global Methodist Church and helped a faithful group start their journey to begin a new church in Ogden, Iowa. Evelyn is now serving Grace Global Methodist Church that is meeting currently at the McGraw Senior Citizens Center. Evelyn may be retired, but God is using her to serve the congregation and the community moving forward in ministry and mission. It has truly been a joyous journey. She is excited to see what the future holds for Grace Global Methodist Church.

Church Council

Church Council meeting.

The Church Council of Grace Global Methodist provides administration and organization for the congregation. Those who represent the congregation are nominated and then voted on by the congregation to serve.  

The council consists of co-chairs, secretary, treasurer, and representatives from finance, discipleship, missions, trustees, and staff relations. The pastor is a non-voting member of the council. The council meets monthly to review the mission and ministry of the local church. 

Global Methodist logo used as a text divider to include three circles intersecting the cross in the center.

Church Council Member & Role

  • Skyler Rinker

    Council Co-Chair

  • Ben Fisher

    Council Co-Chair

  • Larry Oien


  • Dave Hare


  • Jared Wilson

    Staff Relations

  • Andy Liebsch

    Staff Relations

  • Tom Cleveland


  • Nancy Leemkuil


  • Linda Plueger


  • Megan Wilson


  • Jess Fisher
