Global Methodist logo used as a text divider to include three circles intersecting the cross in the center.

“We are called to serve others so they may know the grace and love of Jesus in their lives.”

— Rev. Keith Boyette, Transitional Connectional Officer of the Global Methodist Church

Global Methodist logo used as a text divider to include three circles intersecting the cross in the center.
  • Group performing music on the concert stage at Young Christians' Weekend.

    Young Christians' Weekend

    Before the youth and chaperones leave for the Young Christians’ Weekend in Branson, Missouri, members of the mission group start them off with a good breakfast to begin their long journey for the day. We send them off with prayer and provide words of encouragement as they learn more about being a follower of Jesus with about 10,000 other young people attending the event.

  • Samaritan's Purse Operation Christmas Child logo.

    Operation Christmas Child

    Operation Christmas Child is a project of Samaritan’s Purse, an international relief organization. Grace Global Methodist helps provide shoeboxes filled with small toys, hygiene items, and school supplies as a means of reaching out to children in the United States and around the world.

  • A young person holding the hands of an elderly person.

    Accura Care Center

    Our local nursing home, Accura Care Center, each year provides ideas for residents for Christmas gifts. Grace Global Methodist shares with other churches in the opportunity to give the residents a gift to open at their annual Christmas party. We are blessed to be a blessing to our older citizens.

  • Christmas on Main graphic with evergreens and Christmas decorations.

    Christmas on Main

    Ogden Legacy each year hosts a “Christmas on Main” in downtown Ogden in December. Grace Global Methodist Church participates with providing popcorn, candy canes, and story time for the kids in A Place of Grace location on Main Street in Ogden.

  • Graphic of Community Christmas Dinner invitation.

    Community Christmas Dinner

    Grace Global Methodist prepares, cooks, and serves a community Christmas dinner on Christmas Day at the Leonard Good Community Center. All are invited to come and enjoy a homemade meal with others celebrating Christmas. You will not go home hungry! Come join us Christmas Day and make this a tradition with family and friends.

  • A food vendor for popcorn and cotton candy during Ogden Fun Days.

    Ogden Fun Days

    Grace Global Methodist participates in Ogden Fun Days on Friday evening during the Ogden Fun Days Car Show from A Place of Grace located downtown Main Street in Ogden. Through our outreach, we share watermelon slices and bottles of water with those attending the car show event.

  • Hands holding a globe with the Grace Global Methodist Church logo.

    Mission Trips

    Mission trips are an opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus Christ as we serve others. The Missions/Outreach Team at Grace Global Methodist explores various opportunities on a regular basis to determine mission trips in the future. If you are interested in participating in a mission trip, please contact Nancy Leemkuil or Pastor Evelyn Lewiston.

  • Image of pumpkins and candy.

    Trunk or Treat

    Grace Global Methodist Church participates each year in Ogden's Trunk or Treat on Main Street. Our church volunteers welcome children (and parents) to trick or treat in front of A Place of Grace at 205 West Walnut during Beggar's Night. All are invited to stop by while you trunk or treat along Main Street in downtown Ogden.

  • An image of a box of grocery items.

    Ogden Food Pantry

    Ogden is fortunate to have a local food pantry that provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. Grace Global Methodist often donates food items to the pantry on a regular basis or when items are in short supply. Similar to other organizations in Ogden, Grace Global Methodist volunteers work at the pantry and distributes food to those in need in the community.

Meet the Missionaries We Support

Along with local and regional mission work, Grace Global Methodist Church supports missionaries from different regions of the world. These global partnerships allow us to develop deep personal relationships, learn from being followers of Christ in different cultures, support one another in prayer, and contribute spiritually and monetarily to missionaries sharing the Gospel and growing God’s kingdom globally. Read about two missionaries we are currently supporting; Coates Ministries in East Africa and Agape Unlimited in Russia.

  • Randy and Becky Coates


    Randy and Becky Coates are celebrating 20 years of ministry in Kenya. In 1997, the Coates’ left careers in accounting and teaching in Atlanta Georgia to move to Kenya and take on the task of church planting. Together with African brothers and sisters, 90+ churches have been planted throughout Africa. Their mission is to take the Gospel to those who haven’t heard, to extend mercy to those in greatest need, to live the mandate of the great commission one individual at a time. To learn more about Randy and Becky Coates advancing the Kingdom of God in East Africa, please visit their website at Keep Randy and Becky in your prayers as they continue to serve the Lord together in ministry.

  • Dr Bill's suture class in Russia.

    Dr. Bill Becknell


    In 1993, Dr. Bill left his surgical practice in Kentucky to live and work full-time in medical evangelism in Russia. He founded Agape Unlimited USA and Medical Center Agape-Russia which has touch the lives of more than 900,000 unreached people in Russia. Agape’s mission is to Go – where no one wants to go; Help – those no one cares about; Share – God’s love with everyone; and Teach – others to do the same. Agape works to accomplish this mission through four areas: outreach, medical education, medical clinics, and the Agape farm. Read more about the ministry of Agape Unlimited at Keep Dr. Bill, all staff, and volunteers in your prayers as they continue to minister to the people in Russia.

Other Organizations We Support

Additional organizations Grace Global Methodist Church supports through our missions/outreach ministry are Wings of Refuge and Sheepgate. Read a short synopsis of each ministry and their impact in the heartland. For more in depth information, please visit the websites for Wings of Refuge and Sheepgate found in the descriptions below.

Return to this page often to learn about additional mission work Grace Global Methodist Church is supporting to advance the cause of Christ in the world.

  • Image of butterfly with Wings of Refuge organization name.

    Wings of Refuge


    Wings of Refuge is a Christ-centered organization in Ames, Iowa providing opportunities for healing and restoration to survivors of sex trafficking and sexual exploitation. It is their vision that every survivor knows they are valued, has hope and is loved by Jesus. Wings of Refuge provides a long-term, restorative safe home, meaningful work through a social enterprise, and transitional housing. Their mission is to provide restoration so exploitation ends for one more girl. To learn more about Wings of Refuge, please visit their website at Keep Wings of Refuge in your prayers as they work so each woman can rise into a life filled with hope and possibility.

  • An image of a person praying with the name of the Sheepgate organization.



    Sheepgate is a faith-based recovery program in the heartland for those struggling with addiction, anger, depression or other painful issues. It’s parent company, Adult & Teen Challenge, was founded by Rev. David Wilkerson in 1958. Unlike other traditional recovery programs, Sheepgate is focused on Christ through Christ-centered teachings and Biblical principles to be a guiding light that reveals darkness and results in genuine healing from life issues and painful addictions. Read more about the ministry of Sheepgate at Keep Sheepgate in your prayers as they continue to minster to those struggling to bring about lasting change through Jesus.